

A pair of twins were born on the same day.
They were born from the same mother.
But they live either side of a hill.
And they will never meet.

What are they?

Posted in Riddles

A donkey, a monkey and a turkey!

Name three keys that cannot open a door…

Posted in Riddles

A chair

What has four legs and a back but cannot walk?

Posted in Riddles

The letter 'e'

The beginning of eternity.
The end of time and space.
The beginning of every end.
And the end of every place.

What is it?

Posted in Riddles

A Kite

I love to dance and twist and prance.
I shake my tail as away I sail.
I don’t need wings or feathers to fly
up above you in the sky!

What am I?

Posted in Riddles

A pig's tie!

What sort of tie does a pig wear?

Posted in Riddles


What did the dog say when he sat on the sandpaper?

Posted in Riddles